Sep 14 2011

Jap Cake turns into a Macaroon Disaster

Today I was trying to re-create a delight from my childhood – “Japs”. These were sold in the local bakery when I was a kid and were almond (I think?) flavoured macaroons with a buttercream filling finished off with chocolate sprinkles around the edge. They were about 6cm tall and 7cm in diameter.

I searched the internet (as you do!) and found a few references to them, apparently they are often known as “Jap cakes” or “Japonaise cakes” and are still sold in Scotland and a few places around here in Yorkshire. I found a recipe that looked promising, but as you can see from the photo they turned out a bit of a disaster – they were supposed to be much higher!

I’ve never made macaroons before so maybe my technique wasn’t up to scratch. I may have to try making some “normal” macaroons first.

So if anyone out there has a recipe that works I’d love to hear from you.

Sep 10 2011

Cherry Bakewell Cake

This is a really easy to make Cherry Bakewell cake which uses the “All in one” method. It’s great if, like me, you just love the taste of traditional Bakewell pies and tarts but don’t want to mess around with pastry.

Cherry Bakewell Cake

Cherry Bakewell Cake

Click to continue to the full recipe…