As I mentioned in this post, last week I took part in the Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap 2011. This involved baking 3 batches of 12 cookies and posting them out to fellow food bloggers.

Orange Chocolate Chip Cookies
After a lot of thought, I decided to go with some delicious Orange Chocolate Chip Cookies. I was going to try a new recipe for Coffee chocolate chip cookies but I know that a lot of people don’t like coffee flavoured cakes/biscuits so thought it best not to disappoint anyone.
Below is the recipe I used if you want to try baking some yourself. The recipe makes about 18 good size cookies but you can half the amounts if you don’t want that many.
Click to see the full recipe…
no comments | tags: Chocolate Chip Cookies, Cookie Recipe, Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap, Orange Chocolate Chip Cookies | posted in Recipes
I recently found out about a cool event being hosted by Lindsay of Love and Olive Oil and Julie of The Little Kitchen called the Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap 2011.

The idea is that food bloggers make 3 batches of cookies, send them out to other food bloggers and get 3 different batches in return.
When I first went to sign up I was a bit disappointed as it said that it was US foodies only (I’m based in the UK). However, after reading on it said that if there was sufficient interest in other countries then they would expand it. As luck would have it, several other UK based foodies had already signed up so it was all systems go!
I’ve got myself all signed up and I now just need to decide which recipe to use and get ready for baking day.
Once the swap has been completed, everyone who took part will be posting their recipes on their blogs on the 12th December 2011. So come back then to see which flavour I went with!
4 comments | tags: Cookie Recipe, Cookies, Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap | posted in Events